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OMICRON Ltd, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company in the Design and Provision of scientific and technical advice for the protection of the environment and the territory (including the environmental communication ) with certificate no. ° 000272 /09 35 EA code .
It was founded in 1999 as a consulting and planning for the preservation and conservation of the environment.

For Omicron competitiveness in the coming years will be played on the ability of organizations to direct their occupations towards a model of sustainable development, through continuous action to reduce its environmental impact and the risks to which workers are exposed , in accordance with the ethical values of a modern industrial society.

Our challenge is to provide added value for financial institutions , manufacturing and service companies , to public bodies and governments that decide to take advantage of our expertise.
Areas of intervention

  • local Authorities
  • public Administrations
  • Productive activities and sustainable development.

ISO 9001:2008 certification presentations

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